On Thu, 22 Jun 2006 18:48:08 +0530, Puneet Goel wrote:

>that there can be multiple incoming SMS/MMS for
>different users at the same time. Also there can be multiple reads too all
>at the same time. Frequency may be high considering there might be thousands
>of users.

>> Open/close of multiple databases could be time consuming.
>> that's the point.

>Anything on security point of view. Can any user send some malicious script
>thru SMS which can corrupt the database. My main intention of using multiple
>databases is that if some user send some malicious script he should be able
>to corrupt only one DB and not others. Am i right in this assumption ?

Since the content of the SMS/MMS message is not important for database
purposes, you might consider storing the message as a plain file in a directory
that is user specific. Then the database contains just fields like:

  - user identifier
  - current message status
  - date/time of receipt
  - date/time of retransmission
  - pathname for content file

The operating system can write the message content into a hierarchical
directory structure based on successive characters of the user's identifier
(which must be unique anyway).

The database is used for control purposes only; records are small and
written quickly. Retrieval is also fast since it would be one or two field 
You might want to use Userd + MessageStatus as the key.

Of course, similar functionality is possible just using the operating system's
directory and file management, so why is the database important to you?



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