I'm trying to work out the most efficient way of performing a query.
What i want is for the rest of the database starting at a certain letter, and 
ordered alphabetically. So for example this command:

SELECT name FROM people WHERE name > 'C%'  ORDER BY people

however i need to apply a limit and my application will find this easier if i 
know of the offset of where the first row is returned. So i think i can get 
this with:

SELECT COUNT name FROM people WHERE name < 'C%' ORDER BY people

but this is obviously scanning the database twice for the same information, the 
first query knows the offset of where is starts but i can't think of how to get 
the information out of the query. Any ideas? Or am i completely barking up the 
wrong tree?


P.S. Is it me or is there no way to do case insenstive commands?

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