* onemind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-06-25 17:00]:
> The thing is, i am going to need to use different letters each
> time to search through over 200,000 words in a database and it
> needs to be fast.

200,000 words is nothing. If they’re 5 letters on average, that’s
some 1.1MB of data. You can grep that in milliseconds.

> What technology would be best suited for this task?

Put the lot into a flat textfile, read it into memory, and do a
string scan.

> I just assumed that a databse would be ideal, why do you say
> sql isn't suited for this and what is?

Because you’re not indexing any of the facts you query. You’re
just doing a scan across all of the table, doing string matches
on one column in each row. There’s no point in using a database
for that.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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