Alexei Alexandrov a écrit :
> Hi,
> Basically, I need to do the following: given a big-big table, I need
> to iterate through all its rows and change a column in about half the
> rows. The contents of the column to change depends on other columns,
> but only partially, so triggers won't work here.
Well, this mainly depends on your database structure. If the column to
change is indexed, a simple
UPDATE some_table SET some_column=some_value_or_function_result WHERE
can be quite fast.

Otherwise you should use the EXPLAIN statement on the query to see what
happens and is a time consumer.
> What would be the fastest way to do it? I assume that you cannot just
> do prepare/step and do updates while iterating over the table, right?
> Remembering rowid-s for the rows to change can potentially eat all my
> (well, computer's) memory, so it doesn't look perfect either.
This also depends on what interface you use. Will it be C, C++ or PHP,
Perl, Python ?
PHP PDO_SQLite interface uses an object oriented syntax which allows
pure SQL queries without thinking about prepare/step paradigm. It's very
efficient, even on huge tables (more than 10 million records).
> This task is solved pretty trivially and efficiently in dbf-based
> simple databases (FoxPro, Codebase), but it seems to me that I'm just
> missing something very basic about SQLite features.
Dbf based databases have different paradigms than pure SQL based ones.
When I deal with dbase syntax, I usually now use Clip, a Clipper
compatible free system which allows SQL xBase queries.

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