Eino Mäkitalo wrote:
I am playing with zodb storages and there is some kind of 2pc support. I
dont know if I really need it
to implement my storage (for fun) zodb over sqlite but at least I was
thinking possibility to not make those temporary changes programmatic
way but to use sqlite transactions as they are. [...]
I am pretty confident ZODB storage does not need to support 2PC. Also
not all storage backends support all features (like versioning, undo, ...).
If you need additional example material, you can look at APE and the
historical OracleStorage for ancient ZODB releases. See also here for an
overview of storage backends:
APE is here: http://hathawaymix.org/Software/Ape
If you can get it to work at all, it should be trivial to add SQLite
support for it using pysqlite, as it already has support for MySQL,
PostgreSQL and others.
-- Gerhard