Dennis Cote uttered:

Christian Smith wrote:

Yes, of course, Windows sticks it's oar in again. Going back to the previous DLL discussion, this alone is surely confirmation of why the Windows DLL system sucks.

This really has nothing to do with the Windows DLL system. It is simply the case that the main application and the SQLite library may be compiled with different compilers that use different runtime libraries and therefore implement different memory heaps. You can't in general expect memory that was allocated from one heap by one runtime library (used by SQLite) to be correctly released to another heap maintained by a another runtime library used by the application.

Under *nix it is more common, but not required, for applications to link to one common runtime library.

Under UNIX it is more common because UNIX provides a runtime system by default. Windows programs all ship with their own runtime due to sloppy engineering on MS's part. It harks back to the days when each DLL had it's own local data segment under Win16. Implementation details from 20 years ago biting us in the bum even when the Win32 API doesn't have segments!

For reference (well, for my reference at least) I believe that returned memory should be considered static to the database connection, with subsequent invocations overwriting the previous contents. That way, all management would be internal to the API, and if the client wants a copy, he should copy it before the next invocation. This is especially true of such things as error strings.

Ack! No! This leads to non-reentrant code. This is the kind of problem that the standard asctime() API has. It is much better for the caller to provide the memory buffer, or have the library dynamically allocate the buffer and pass it back to the caller. In this case you never have to worry about some other thread calling the function before your thread has completed its copy.

Static is probably the wrong word. The string is local to the database connection, which shouldn't be used by more than one thread without proper synchronisation.

Anyway, it's not difficult to provide thread local storage. HP-UX's netdb.h functions (gethostbyname etc.) are fully re-entrant despite returning 'static' data, for example. Other UNIXs got hamstrung with various getXbyY_r implementations, with horrible semantics.

Dennis Cote


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