Thanks for the info about the PDO_SQLITE. Missed that completly.

Now I can created an sqlite3 database and read from the database with the following code:


try {
$dbh = new PDO('sqlite:c:\Program Files\Kinetic\BaseStation\BaseStation.sqb');
  foreach ($dbh->query('SELECT * from location') as $row) {
  $dbh = null;
} catch (PDOException $e) {
  print "Error!: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br/>";


This only works for a database I made.

The code above gives the following message: " Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in"
when I try to read a table from the database I want to open.

The database I want to open can be read with SQLite Admin and the table contains data.

Can someone explain to me why the Warning is coming up?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Firman Wandayandi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Open sqb database in php?

On 7/6/06, Albert van Bergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi All,

I pretty new into sqlite.

Is it possible to open a sqb database in php?

Use PDO_SQLITE for sqlite2 and sqlite3 PHP5 only, or use SQLite
extension for sqlite2. SQLite extension already built-in in PHP5, for
PHP4 you must load the php_sqlite extension first.

When I use sqlite_open I do get the following warning:

Warning: sqlite_open() [function.sqlite-open]: file is encrypted or is not a database in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\sql.php on line 2
file is encrypted or is not a database

I suspect if your file is sqlite database, but it's a sqlite file
format version 3 and you tried to open it with sqlite_open() which is
support only sqlite file format version3. You should use PDO_SQLITE
for open it. Also notes PDO currently support sqlite file format
version 3.2, no update yet. So be carefull with your database or your
data will lost.

Firman Wandayandi <>

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