353455 453455 wrote:
excuse me?. do you really think this is my homework and that i want someone
like him to do it for me?.

I didn't earlier, but it seems obvious now because you're clearly not capable of it. Like most of the others here I learned things the hard way, by working them out for myself. Of course that takes time, a bit determination and some intelligence. I know how difficult it is for people that don't have those skills - I helped quite a few of them through college.

i think this is the problem, fear, more than one here has the fear that a
I don't think you need worry that anyone here is afraid of losing their job. Worry about getting one and then keeping it.

little kid


would come from nowhere and take over their jobs.

Very droll. More worryingly, it shows delusions of adequacy on your part.

hence they dont want to teach the little they know about anything to anyone.

Then again, it's you that's asking about basics and experienced posters taking time out from interesting advanced stuff doing the telling.

on the other hand, the problem might just be that you guys are either brits
or canadians.

Is that because we can spell and punctuate or because we don't resort to childish insults?

enjoy your cup of tea sir.
Thank you. I am.

you are so funny, but i already pictured you hanging out with your "bloody
mates" and it "pissed me off" to see such a big amount of "townies"
laughting at each other while drinking an ale market beer with 1.9% alcohol

Not sure how to parse this what with the spelling and strange use of "English". I don't think it's anything to do with several hours of beer drinking because I can still communicate better than you can. And 1.9% beer? Is there such a thing? Is that strong for American beer? Most British beer is 4-7% and even weak British beer is over 3%.You do have to be over 18 to get it though. I avoid those under about 5-6% for taste reasons.

now if youre canadian youll think im mexican.
if youre british youll think im a "nigger".

Funnily enough I am British and don't think you're a "nigger" as you so quaintly put it. No, if I had to classify you all it would be in terms of how far down the left hand side of the bell curve you are rather than resorting to the feeble racial/sexual stereotypes so beloved of the people whose lot it is to down there looking up at the peak. Luckily that peak is large enough that the posters on this list who are on the right hand side don't see the likes of you until you jump up and down like a spoilt 5 year old.

how nice sqlite turned out to be. and the users calling it a PROGRAMMING
LANGUAGE when its just an interpreted piece of crap.

Couple of basic points that seem to have escaped your razor sharp insight. SQL is the language, SQLite is a library that implements it. Most users are well aware of this basic fact - it's only failed wannabes that have missed it. And the fact that SQLite compiles SQL to byte code which is interpreted doesn't prevent SQL from being a language any more than it does .NET, Python, Java, Pascal, BASIC or many others for all I know. And a lot of BIG companies use this "interpreted piece of crap" - what's your contribution to the global good?

Now Terry, I must dash - it's 2am and my missus and I have some brandy and a bottle of port to finish off before bedtime. If you're interested in the numbers I think they're about 40% but to be honest I drink them because I like the taste, which is more than I can say about tedious little ingrates like you.


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