Sqlite will let you turn off synchronous updates and acheve what you want. If you used precompiled SQL (using sqlite_prepare and sqlite_bind and sqlite_step) you will avoid continually compiling the same SQL.

Yaniv Pe'er wrote:
Even if I constantly access/save the data? By constantly I mean like in an infinite loop that will constantly need to
check and update the table data.

I'm thinking of using SQLite for a game I'm working on and am still in the
design process. I figured for what I need SQL statements can significantly
lower the implementation time. The game database will hold all objects data
(position, status, etc) in the game universe. So objects will constantly
need to be updated.

I won't be needing the data to be saved back to a file until the user
decides he/she wants to "save" the game.
So, considering the above statements, you still think it won't do any

Yaniv Pe'er
Programmer, Artist, Game Developer
[[ http://www.GroteskAndMonstrous.com ]]
-----Original Message-----
From: John Stanton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 2:58 AM
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Working with database entirely from memory

Open it to :memory.  You won't find much improvement, if any.

Yaniv Pe'er wrote:

Hi all,

I wish to load my entire database to the program memory and work with it
through there without having to use the hard drive at all (Well, besides


initial loading).

My reason is mostly to increase performance since this is a relatively


database and will be accessed constantly. Its size is also not likely to
increase much.

The program should save the database only once in a while.

How can I accomplish such a goal with SQLite? (Using the C/CPP interface).

Thank you very much,

Yaniv Pe'er

Programmer, Artist, Game Developer

"http://www.GroteskAndMonstrous.com"http://www.GroteskAndMonstrous.com ]]

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