> Daniel:
> Thanks for the suggestion.
> I wasn't aware that the prepare statement gained you that 
> much for one-table select queries.
> I use it for multi-100k inserts (along with trans.) and it 
> saves quite a bit of time.
> This is my sql for the present problem:
> select * from (select f1, f2, f3, f4,
> f5  from Table where f2 = 'abc' and f3 = 2563351070 and f4 >= 
> '2004-01-01'and f4  <='2006-01-01' ) order by f1 limit 32 offset 900;
> Do you think that prepare would be helpful here?
> Regards,
> Michael


You're right, for a single query the pre-prepared statement
will save no time. If performance is important you may get 
some mileage out of an optimising compiler.



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