Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a table which includes a column "customorder integer primary key
> autoincrement" which I use to address rows in the table.
> When I delete a row, I renumber the remaining rows so that the key remains
> continuous (to match my GUI display). However, when I subsequently insert a
> new row, the auto-generated key starts from the old maximum. Is there a way
> to reset the autoincrement counter so that after deletions and insertions,
> the counter remains continuous? 

The purpose of AUTOINCREMENT is to guarantee that you never
get the same primary key on two rows - even rows that have
been deleted.  If you don't need that property, (and apparently
you do not since your question is how to override it) just omit
the AUTOINCREMENT keyword. SQLite will then assign the next
available integer to customorder, rather than an integer that
has never been used before.

D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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