chtaylo3 uttered:


Or you could just fix the permissions on your temp directories. If the
files in */tmp are sensitive, they should be protected. The file name
themselves should not be sensitive.

I'm not aware of many installations using the permissions you use for temp

Yes that does seem like the logical way of going about this.  Unfortunately,
Mandriva 2006 does have the permissions setup this way and they even have a
daemon that goes around checking the file permission on certain files and dirs
and changes them back to what it thinks it should be.

Urgh! My only recommendation in this case is to NOT use Mandriva. Asking around has indicated that the daemon can be configured to use more sane permissions or ignore certain directories. As I'm not familiar with daemon, I can't comment further. What is this daemon?

pyslite allows me to use "pragma temp_store_directory = 'directory-name';" as a parameter to the cur.execute so I'll talk with the people in trac and see if this will work for them. Any thoughts on this?

There is no reason why trac can't create it's own temporary directory in /usr/tmp and use that. When writing scripts that require temporary files, I generally do this so that cleanup from the script is simply to remove the directory.


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