At 02:10 22/07/2006, you wrote:

The guy who produced Sqlitespy is a member of this forum so he can confirm or debunk my theory as to why you are getting a big difference in execution time. I suspect that Sqlitespy might be storing the SQL in its compiled (from sqlite3_prepare) form and when you run it you skip the compile phase. It is hard to imagine that compile optimization makes a fourfold difference in executions speed, particularly to a well written program like Sqlite.

Sorry, but i must disagree. He uses VC6, a compiler from pre-alot-of-processor-advances. So, the compiler can't, not only compile for a more modern and different processor (different pipeline, sse, new processor modes, etc..) but also use old libraries that were made for older processors. For example, in Delphi 6 (if i remember well) code written in pascal run faster than assembly optimized libraries, but written for 386!!!. In powerpc area (what i know), using altivec libraries, boost sort code up to x16, memory2memory copy, assign, move, etc... up to x4 and so on, but if you use a compiler from pre-altivec era or non altivec optimized libraries (including libc), your code will be a lot slower.

We do a similar thing in our Sqlite applications, compile the SQL when the program loads then use the compiled VDBE code as input to ....

I agree with you here.

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