I am saving a simple database (4-5 tables and few records inside). The 
total size of the database once flashed is 9216 bytes.

I execute the following query:

snprintf(query, MAX_SQLITE_QUERY_LEN,
                      "attach database %s as %s;"
                      "create table if not exists %s.%s as select * from 
                      "delete from %s.%s;"
                      "insert into %s.%s select * from %s;"
                      "detach database %s", 
                      database, database,
                      database, table, table,
                      database, table,
                      database, table, table,
                      database );

Is it normal it takes 13,000 mallocs ????

Our mallocs is not the fastest and well, as you can imagine it takes 
forever to flash it (even if it works!).

Mario Hebert

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