Hello All:

I have a question. I am trying to make SQLITE favor writing to disk than to store in memory with no luck!. I tried :
        rc = sqlite3_exec(ppDb,"PRAGMA cache_size = 10;",NULL,NULL,NULL);
I tried to modify the page size, but with no luck. 5000 records takes about 10MB of memory.

Is there a way to let SQL lite favor disk over main memory. VACUUM doesn't work either if you are wondering as well.

I decided to use SQLite, because I was too lazy to write my own B-tree implementation. But then isn't this the whole idea of using B-Trees. You are not able to store the whole data on disk, but you can still get some speed.

  I am sure I am doing something wrong.  Any hints would be appreciated.


I am running in windows. In case you want to know how to enable SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT in windows, you add it as preprocessor from C++ options in the project settings. Then you add to the dev file, sqlite3_soft_heap_limit(); ansqlite3_release memory.

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