Hello list (I am new but searched a bit before posting).

I am trying to convert an Access database on WindowsXP to an SQLite database to be used in a CoreData application on MacOSX (BTW, this task seems so generic and would help so much in transfering legacy Access apps to MacOSX I am surprised to not have found anything related).

Here is what I did:

1) I created an ODBC datasource for my Access database
2) In installed SQLite (the .exe, the dll and .ref all in a same directory) 3) I created an SQLite database from the command line and created a table (to force the creation of the file)
4) I created an ODBC datasource for my SQLite database
5) I selected one by one each Access table (in Access) and did an "export..." to my SQLite datasource

From the command line, I see the SQLite database is correctly filled with my database.

6) I copy the file to my MacOSX machine
7) From the command line, I see I can't open the database

I did the test with two versions of SQLite on Windows: with the 3.3 it doesn't work (which seems more or less normal according to the documentation).
However, with version 2.8, the mac can't read the file. The error is:

Error: file is encrypted or is not a database

I looked and the history of versions on the documentation pages of SQLite and they mention needing a reload. But that would meand I have to install SQLite 2.8 on MacOSX. Is that correct and if it is is there an easy package to do so?


Alexander Lamb

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