Kees Nuyt wrote:

Will PRAGMA table_info(tablename);

>>> from pysqlite2 import dbapi2
>>> db = dbapi2.connect('/data/mariof/test.db')
>>> cr = db.cursor()
>>> cr.execute('pragma table_info(test3)')
>>> cr.fetchall()
[(0, u'd', u'date', 0, None, 0),
(1, u'h', u'time', 0, None, 0),
(2, u't', u'timestamp', 0, None, 0),
(3, u'i', u'interval', 0, None, 0)]

so yes, it does.
many thanks.

but I still don't understand... casting a value to the type of the declaration sounds to me quite in conflict with the dynamic typing of sqlite. on the other hand I don't see in which way adding these three types (time being assimilated in interval) would break the design. just wondering.


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