>Most of us use email clients that store our mail as simple text files. An 
>SQLite database is no more likely to get corrupted than any other file.

I would stipulate that sqlite data is less likely to be corrupted due to bugs 
in sqlite itself, or due to power failure or gross program crashes.  Good 
engineering is great, but it doesn't help the shuttle when a chunk of foam hits 
the wing.

A sqlite database is more likely to be corrupted by bugs in the overall 
application.  Using sqlite is a lot more complex than just appending to a text 
file, and because sqlite's data structures share address space with the main 
application, they are vulnerable to whatever bugs are present in the main 
application.  I would also include program bugs which result in rogue queries 
as corruption - one "update" with a poorly constructed "where" clause can ruin 
your whole database.

Once a sqlite database is corrupted, you've got a mess with no clear path to 
recovery, other than to revert to some previous backup of the entire database.

On the other hand, in a file based application (such as a mail reader), In any 
conceivable crash, I've got backups of individual files which I can mix-n-match 
with whatever debris seems recoverable, and the individual mail files, even if 
damaged, are intelligible.

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