
This is on a NFS on Windows XP Xeon - 2.8 Ghz, 1 Gig RAM and the database
size is 395 MB. I'm connecting to the database from Perl. There is no
discernible difference b/w Perl and sqlite shell.


On 8/29/06, Martin Jenkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sripathi Raj wrote:

> Main question: Using DBD-SQLite, select count(gid) from
> takes 130 secs. What gives?

Repeatably 0.3 seconds or less here with apsw and python2.4 on Windows
XP on a dual Athlon1600 with ~4 year old disks. Same sort of times in
the sqlite command line shell. Obviously I don't have real data so I
made some up - my database is about 43MB. What are you running on? Do
the times change if you use the sqlite shell? Are your discs fragged?


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