Roger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a question.
> I trying to write a query as follows
> Select *
> >From People
> Where Surname Between 'A%' and 'E%'
> Order by UPPER(Surname);
> Now the problem i have is that i get only the Surnames from A up to D
> and the E's are excluded.

What is the '%' about?  BETWEEN does not understand LIKE-style
patterns.  The BETWEEN operator is exactly equivalent to two

    x BETWEEN y AND z

is the same as

    x>=y AND x<=z

Probably want you want to do is drop the BETWEEN all together
and use two comparisons instead, but make the upperbound a
strict inequality:

    WHERE surname>='A' AND surname<'E'

D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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