Vivien Malerba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:

> I'm working on libgda and libgnomedb which are abstraction libraries
> for SQlite, postgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, ... There is a BDB adaptator
> but it needs some work.
> Please wisit (the website is very outdated but
> development is still going on), or download the latest versions from
> CVS.

FWIW there is also libdbi (, a database
abstraction layer written in C. There are several database drivers available
(see, including SQLite, SQLite3, MySQL,
PostgreSQL, Firebird, Ingres, Sybase, MS SQL, mSQL, as well as work in progress
for Ingres and Oracle.

I strongly support Vivien's suggestion to extend existing abstraction layers
instead of developing yet another one.


Markus Hoenicka
(Spam-protected email: replace the quadrupeds with "mhoenicka")

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