Thanks for the reply. Earlier i tried using top and ps. But i
dropped it when i came to know that top and ps doent give the accurate
memory  usage. So I tried with valgring, memcheck etc. But that too
didn't give me the desired result. The result of valgrind was more over
surprising. The memory comsumption of a program which inserts 100,000
records each of 15 bytes was more than one which inserts 100,000 each of
1k !!!!. First progam took 10,555,478 bytes where as the second one took
only 3,143,402 bytes.
(the data base used was Berkely DB). I would like to get a tool which
gives me an accurate result.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 3:08 AM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Tool to find out the memory usage of a program

Sergio 'OKreZ' Agosti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > see options of ps (man ps)
> >
> >> I want to find out the total and the peak memory
> >> usage of a program(in Linux)
> or try with 'top'

For measuring memory usage (and finding memory leaks)
valgrind generally works much better than either ps or top.
D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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