

I perused the documentation and wiki entries, and couldn’t find an answer to this.  If it’s obvious (and in the documentation), please feel free to tell me to RTFM and point me toward the page J


We have a multithreaded application that uses a sqlite3 database for asset tracking.  I’m having some performance issues, and was wondering how best to proceed.  We’re storing arbitrary blobs in the database, and retrieving them in a standard manner (open, prep statement, sqlite3_step).  Our problem is that the sqlite3_step often takes up to 1200 milliseconds to retrieve a blob.  Granted, the blobs may be large, but 1200 millis seems excessive.


I’d like to narrow down what’s causing the problem.  Our queries, made by a person very familiar with SQL and optimizing SQL, seem sane to me.  How do I narrow down if the time sink is:


1)       The query itself

2)       The recovery of the blob

3)       File collision or locking


Any pointers toward documents, examples, or hints on how to narrow down the scope of the performance issue would be greatly appreciated.






Mitch Evans
Senior Programmer

Sony Online Entertainment

Office: (858) 577-3989
Mobile: (619) 807-4422
Professional Profile
MobyGames Profile





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