Mark Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> With sqlite version 3.3.7 if I create a new database using:
>      if (sqlite3_open("/var/tmp/solarwave/aem.db", &db)!=0)
>      {
>          printf("Cannot open db\n");
>          return(false);
>      }
> and then issue the following:
>      snprintf(query, QUERY_SIZE, "%s", "PRAGMA legacy_file_format = ON");
>      nResult=sqlite3_exec(db, query, NULL, NULL, &cError);
>      snprintf(query, QUERY_SIZE, "%s", "PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 1");
>      nResult=sqlite3_exec(db, query, NULL, NULL, &cError);
>      snprintf(query, QUERY_SIZE, "%s", "PRAGMA empty_result_callbacks = 
>   1");
>      nResult=sqlite3_exec(db, query, NULL, NULL, &cError);
>      snprintf(query, QUERY_SIZE, "%s", "PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL");
>      nResult=sqlite3_exec(db, query, NULL, NULL, &cError);
> Everything works fine - within the application.  However I have a 
> php/sqlite combo that also talks to the same database.  When it does, I get
>       Warning: sqlite_open(): file is encrypted or is not a database
>       in /mnt/flash/runtime/exec/dumprecords.php on line 46
> Doesn't PRAGMA legacy_file_format = ON cover this?  The docs state:
>       When this flag is on, new SQLite databases are created in a file
>       format that is readable and writable by all versions of SQLite
>       going back to 3.0.0. When the flag is off, new databases are
>       created using the latest file format which might to be readable
>       or writable by older versions of SQLite.

Version 3.3.7 creates (by default) a database file that can be read or 
written by any version of SQLite back to version 3.0.0.  There is no
need to do the "PRAGMA legacy_file_format=ON".  That is now the default.

But you are trying to read the database with SQLite version 2.8.17,
which is earlier (and vastly different) from version 3.0.0.
D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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