
Thanks for the explaination.  Looks like
this isn't going to help me after all.
Thought sqlite3_exec() would compile the
query only once.

Best regards,

--- Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Kervin L. Pierre wrote:
> > and for performance, I would like to execute as
> > few sqlite_exec() calls as possible.
> >
> >   
> Kervin,
> While you can pass several SQL statements to
> sqlite3_exec in one sql 
> string, each statement is compiled and executed
> separately, so the 
> performance increase over separate calls to
> sqlite3_exec is not 
> substantial. If you add 1000 inserts into a string
> and pass that to 
> sqlite3_exec, it will repeat the following steps
> 1000 times; parse 
> insert statement sql, generate insert statement,
> execute insert 
> statement, and destroy insert statement.
> However, if you use a prepared statement, and then
> simply bind new 
> values to it for each insert you eliminate the
> parse, generate, and 
> destroy steps for 999 out of the 1000 statements.
> This will provide a 
> much more substantial performance boost.
> Note, it is also extremely important to wrap your
> block of inserts with 
> "begin transaction" and "end transaction" commands.
> Dennis Cote
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