Thanks for your answer Ms. Smith!

On 9/19/06, Christian Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Cesar David Rodas Maldonado uttered:

> I meen, If SQLite has two index and very large Index (about 10.000.000each
> one) how do i merge it, I mean (index1 = index2 for every one and limit
> in thousand).
> Understand?

I guess not.

Are you trying to do an INNER JOIN merger on the two indexes? SQLite does
this by having a nested loop, with the equality test as the action of the
inner loop:

for each row in x {
   for each row in y matching x.row {
     # Do whatever for the inner join

If you're trying to do equivalent of a UNION select, then this is just a
standard merge sort using the two indexes as the sources.

> On 9/15/06, Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Cesar David Rodas Maldonado wrote:
>> > If there a document of how SQLite Virtual Machine Works ( papers )? I
>> > would
>> > like do something similar with B-Tree, B+ Tree but i dont know how to
>> > merge
>> > a select with tow Index? Understand my question??
>> >
>> > Please answer me
>> >
>> see the links VDBE Tutorial and VDBE Opcodes near he bottom of the
>> documentation page
>> Dennis Cote
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