 I have been assigned for this task, I am new bee to SQLite and Software
field. Just now I have started investigating how to do this. Just I was
waiting for some inputs and for right direction. Thanks for all who guided

Thanks and Regards,
      Vivek R

On 10/6/06, G. Roderick Singleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Fri, 2006-10-06 at 12:10 +0530, Vivek R wrote:
>  Hi List,
>    we have ported SQLite to one of our consumer products. We require
> minimal applications only like creating and deleting table and Inserting
> Querying, deleting rows in a table. We want to reduce the code size So,
> are planning to remove some of the features like create view and etc ,
as we
> are facing some memory problems Could you please suggest me what are the
> things to be done to remove the features like views and others ( which
> usually not required) .

Hmm, after the work to put this in, you want it gone :-)  May I suggest
you check out http://sqlite.org/support.html particularly the
professional support section. All this assumes you do not have staff to
do the programming.
G. Roderick Singleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PATH tech

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