Thanks Dennis Cote. Now even though synchrounous is set to FULL. But Database 
Corrouption is happening.  Here are my observations in our sqlite 2.8.13.

1. This corrouption is not detected by the sqlite_open().

2. After the crash/power failure. I see a journal file in the same directory as 
the database file. This means the database can be rolled back. I analyed the 
journal header and checksum, it looks fine.

3. Now before the rollback if i copy the database file to a different directory 
and open using sqlite. None of the tables are seen.

4. Now if i do a sqlite_open(), the rollback of the orginal data does not 
happen. But the journal file is removed.

I am suprised how can journal be be present and still database corruption 

Please help me resolving this issue.


On Mon, 23 Oct 2006 Dennis Cote wrote :
>jayanth KP wrote:
>>    But how do we read the current  synchronous value using C interface. Plz 
>> reply.
>Try this:
>    sqlite3_stmt* s;
>    sqlite3_prepare(db, "PRAGMA SYNCHRONOUS", -1, &s, NULL);
>    sqlite3_step(s);
>    int sync = sqlite3_column_int(s, 1);
>    sqlite3_finalize(s);
>    switch (sync) {
>        case 0: // off
>        case 1: // normal
>        case 2: // full
>    }
>It simply executes the PRAGMA and collects the result.
>Dennis Cote
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