
Thanks for the reposnse. The main reason is my record count could be from a
few thousands to a million. But even at the lowly numbers of around 10000
the interface can seem slugish if you read every record before displaying

As you mention, and has been disucssed above, doing stuff in the background
is good way to go, but more complex. As a generla rule of coding I put as
few unneccessary threads into a "phase 1" program as I can, because the
complexity goes up hugly, threads can be complex to use, co-ordinate,
interrupt etc... and chance of bugs goes up drmatically. So I tend to do
that for a "Phase 2" - Bells and whistles phase and only when there isnt a
simpler way.

This thread has covered just about all approaches I can think of :-) thanks
for the reponses.


On 10/27/06, Isaac Raway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Why don't you design the table with a unique row ID, stored in an
integer field, then fetch a list of those ID numbers?

For 5000 rows, assuming you store them in you application as 4 byte
longs, that's about 19 k of memory.

Counting that result as you receive it isn't that difficult. If it
takes a long time (it probably won't) you can do it in another thread
and update the interface as appropriate.

I'm not seeing a downside here.


On 10/26/06, Da Martian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No there isnt, but RDBM systems are a generalised data retrieval
> As such they suffer from that generality.
> Dont get me wrong, RDBM systems  are appropriate for 95% of all data
> requirements I have had to deal with and I would never dream of trying
> write one from scratch, nor can I imagine a world without them.
> However certain applications (Weather data, Gnome data, Large indices
> google)) require using somethng designed specifically for that purpose.
> you customise data retrieval (and particluar your sorting/indcies/access
> path) you can leave rdbms in the dust in terms of performance. All I
> read about google, suggests they do exactly this. Although I must point
> I dont actually know anything about google with any certainty. Just what
> "leaked" out over the years on the rumour mill. But designiing my own
> "google" like indices (on a smaller scale of coure) and some
> weather stuff, it neccessary to throw away the rdbms and do it yourself.
> a goole query for instance, they know they will get a list of 1 or more
> words. They also know they will only ever search through the index of
> They dont have other data types, records or tables. Why go through all
> hassles of compiling SQLs, and that generic overhead when your
> will only ever do one thing? You can just make an API like this
> "search(wordlist): Resultset. "
> You immediatly save yourself complexity and processing time. Then for
> indices you will know your data set, so instead of using a std BTree you
> would use a more appropraite DS possible with skip lists etc..
> .
> As for performing a database search twice, this whole thread has shown,
> sometimes the you have to :-)
> S
> On 10/25/06, John Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > There is no magic in data retrieval.  Google use the same physical
> > as us ordinary mortals.
> >
> > I see no reason to ever perform a dataabase search twice.
> >

Isaac Raway
Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.

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