Try using strace on linux. Maybe it will give you some insight to the failure.

Make sure you have enough free space on your temp dir as specified by:

    PRAGMA temp_store_directory

Alternatively, if you have the memory, try:

    PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;

and see if it behaves differently.

----- Original Message ----
From: Preston Z <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am running into a situation where on linux (fc5 and debian3) I have
a transaction that is consistently failing using sqlite 3.3.7. The
same transaction completes on windows every time.

I have a large database (1.2gb) that i run a transaction on. In
windows the journal file for this transaction reaches about the same
size as the datafile. In linux the journal stops growing around 1gb
and the transaction fails.

Any advise?

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