
   I have a question regarding powerfailure. I am using sqlite version 2.8.13 . 
I am seeing that the database is getting corrupted after power failure during 
delete database entry operation.

  Here are my observation that may give you gugs some insight:

1. I see a journal file in the database directory.
2. The database file before the sqlite_open() seems to be fine. But after  
sqlite_open() database file  gets corrupted.

Here are some prints that i put in the code.

fileBtreeBeginTrans: ---- Entry --------

fileBtreeBeginTrans: PAGE#1 = 0

lockBtree: pP1->zMagic = <** This file contains an SQLite 2.1 database **>: 
zMagicHeader =<** This file contains an SQLite 2.1 database **>

fileBtreeBeginTrans: sqlitepager_begin IS OKKK

------ NOW I HAVE REBOOTED (POWER OFF)--------------

After reboot I am getting these prints below

sqlitepager_open:946 zFilename=/tmp/sqlite_fOql67XeTaDTEuU
lockBtree: pP1->zMagic = <>: zMagicHeader =<** This file contains an SQLite 2.1 
database **>
lockBtree : Not a valid DB file

In fuction="openDatabase" , Line #562  ErrMsg=file is encrypted or is not a 
Media DB: ALARAM: Databse open failed ERRCODE=26 : ERRMSG=file is encrypted or 
is not a database


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