Some files have optional fields, so what i'd like to do is, whenever
such a file is scanned and parsed, i want my software to
- check first if the column already exists; that, i have no idea how
to achieve it

PRAGMA table_info: http://sqlite.org/pragma.html#schema

I read something about vaccuming the table? What about it?

You can't vacuum a table, you can vacuum an entire database. VACCUUM command cleans up free space possibly left after deleted records, making DB file smaller. It should be noted that this free space will eventually be used by new records, but for some usage patterns it may still be useful to vacuum (e.g. the application usually keeps a small amount of data, but it has spikes where it adds a large number of records then deletes most of them).

In any case, I don't quite see how this is related to the issue of determining the existence of a column.

Igor Tandetnik

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