I am looking at a design that will require syncing a disconnected SQLite DB
file on client's machines to a central server. The version of the DB on the
server will also be modified periodically, so there is a chance that new
records will be created in either and also updated. Conflicts therefore are
an issue. I am looking at generic methods for handling the deltas between
BLOBs I have in my DB, and I think that's within reach.

What I'm worried about is just the logistics of either 1) importing all
user's data to a single DB somehow or 2) managing several DB files from
clients automatically. Has anyone does this kind of syncing? I realize I'm
somewhat light on details, but I'm not really even sure exactly what this
system will need to do: it's more of a framework really.

At any rate, anyone have experience syncing SQLite DB files?

Isaac Raway
Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.

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