Pyramide-Ingenierie Developer List
I try to use "sqlite3_reset()" and/or "sqlite3_clear_bindings()"
before "re-binds" and "re-step" but I always get an error 21
(SQLITE_MISUSE) when I am calling them on a already used

sqlite3_reset should work. You are doing something wrong. Show a
small complete sample that reproduces the problem.

I checked a bit too fast before sending the first mail... Based on
your mail, I retried with only sqlite3_reset() and the results are a
bit different...

In fact, when I only use sqlite3_reset() before making the new binds
to insert a new row, I don't get any error from sqlite3_reset() but I
get a SQLITE_RANGE error at the first sqlite3_bind_xxx call I make
(see the sequence of sqlite3_calls() below)... As if I had to "clear
the bindings" made for the first "insert"...

There is something wrong with your indexes. Show some code.

You don't need sqlite3_clear_bindings, though the call is harmless. You can bind the same parameter multiple times - the newer binding simply overwrites the older. You must indeed call sqlite3_reset after you call sqlite3_step and before you can rebind parameters.

Igor Tandetnik

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