What is the fastest way in VB to transfer an ADO recordset to a SQLite .db file? I am using the dll from TerraInformatica, SQLiteDb.dll.
This is what I have now: Set oSQLConn = New SQLiteDb.Connection With oSQLConn .ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & strReadSQLiteDB .Open .Execute "PRAGMA synchronous=off;", , slExecuteNoRecords .Execute "PRAGMA encoding='UTF-8';", , slExecuteNoRecords .Execute "CREATE TABLE [READCODE] " & _ "([SUBJECT_TYPE] TEXT, [READ_CODE] TEXT, " & _ "[TERM30] TEXT, [TERM60] TEXT)" LC = rs.Fields.Count - 1 .BeginTrans While Not rs.EOF For i = 0 To LC If InStr(1, rs(i), Chr(34), vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then strTemp = Replace(rs(i), Chr(34), "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) Else strTemp = rs(i) End If If InStr(1, strTemp, Chr(44), vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then strTemp = Replace(strTemp, Chr(44), "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) End If If i = 0 Then strValues = Chr(34) & strTemp & Chr(34) Else strValues = strValues & "," & Chr(34) & strTemp & Chr(34) End If Next .Execute "INSERT INTO READCODE " & _ "(SUBJECT_TYPE, READ_CODE, TERM30, TERM60) " & _ "VALUES (" & strValues & ")" rs.MoveNext Wend rs.Close .CommitTrans End With I am not sure about the PRAGMA commands and the oSQLConn.BeginTrans and oSQLConn.CommitTrans RBS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------