Ok, Let me do it with C language
const unsigned char* Format(const char* szFormat, ...);
int AudioFillDatabase(const char* audiofile);
int main(void)
                                            " name VARCHAR , \n"
              " data BLOB , \n"
              " type VARCHAR);");
int AudioFillDatabase(const char* audiofile)
   FILE* fp = fopen(audiofile, "rb");
   if ( fp == NULL )
      return -1;
   else {
      fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
     long filesize = ftell(fp);
     unsigned char* MemFileSize = new unsigned char[filesize + 1];
  size_t ret = fread(MemFileSize, filesize, 1, fp);
  if ( ret != 0 )
     return -1;
  else {
     unsigned char* buf = new unsigned char[filesize+1024];
    buf = Format("insert into AudioTable values (0, 'music', %Q, 'mp3');", 
const char* format(const char* szFromat, ...)
   va_list va;
   va_start(va, szFormat);
   static char* mpBuf = sqlite3_vmprintf(szFormat, va);
   return mpBuf;
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Isaac Raway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <sqlite-users@sqlite.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 11:04 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Music Files

> On 11/27/06, LuYanJun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Can anybody give a simple example for domestrating ?
>> I am puzzled by this topic, how does a music file be sotred in DB as BLOB
>> type?
> You can insert /any/ kind of data into a SQLite database (or most any other
> sort of DB for that matter). Here's a short Pascal program that would do
> about what you want -- but of course getting the binary data out and into an
> object that can play it is another matter. Also I imagine this would be very
> slow, coming in at around 3 - 5 MB per song that has to be completely loaded
> into memory from the DB before playback and begin. I have not tested this
> but it gives you the idea: 1) load data into a stream / data string 2) write
> as DB BLOB.
> var
>  MP3Source: string;
>  Data: TFileStream
>  DBFileName: string;
>  DB: TSQLiteDatabase;
>  MustCreate: boolean;
> begin
>  MP3Source := 'SomeSong.mp3';
>  DBFileName := 'mp3.db3';
>  MustCreate := not FileExists(DBFileName);
>  DB := TSQLiteDatabase.Create(DBFileName);
>  try
>    if MustCreate then begin
>      DB.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE mp3(filename STRING PRIMARY KEY, data
> BLOB);');
>    end;
>    Data := TFileStream.Create(MP3Source, fmOpenRead);
>    try
>      Data.Seek(0);
>      DB.UpdateBlob('INSERT OR UPDATE INTO mp3(filename, data) ' +
>                    'VALUES(' + QuotedStr(MP3Source) + ', ?);', Data);
>    finally
>      FreeAndNil(Data);
>    end;
>  finally
>    DB.Close;
>    FreeAndNil(DB);
>  end;
> end;

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