Sqlite3_exec is merely a wrapper around sqlite3_prepare. The name on sqlite3_prepare is a little misleading. It is actually sqlite3_compile and compiles your SQL into an internal metacode and applies syntax rules. Incorrect SQL will fail on sqlite3_prepare and you can make your program more robust by performing your prepares before you perform any processing so that it does not fail indeterminately with a bad SQL statement after others have been executed.

You have more program control if you do not use sqlite3_exec.

Thomas Zangl wrote:
Dear List!

I am currently in doubt if the usage of sqlite3_prepare(...) makes my application safer.

It is usually recommended to preapre a SQL statement before using it. In my case, I have no need to re-use them so a simple sqlite3_exec would be sufficient. On the other side I have been told that preparing the sql statement makes the application better protected against overflows (buffer, integer) or sql injection.

Is that true? How does sqlite3_prepare internally work? I usually sanitize every user input before using it as a parameter for e.g. a LIKE search in the database. In detail I do this:

* make sure to remove all non-printable characters from the parameter string * escape all "_", "\" and "%" with "\" (using escapeSQLLikeString - homemade escape function) * print the SQL statement like this: sqlite3_mprintf("author like '%%%q%%' ESCAPE '\\' ",

Is that as safe as preparing a statement? Are there any sideeffects? Please comment :-)


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