On Thu, Nov 30, 2006 at 10:52:55PM -0600, John Stanton wrote:
> Sqlite has a carefully thought through minimalism.  Feature creep would 
> detract from its function as a small footprint, embedded DB.  If you 
> want different features there is nothing to stop you adding your own 
> library extension, like "daves_sqlite3_open" which does just what you 
> want.  You could also add the logic necessary to handle the different 
> features of legacy and current Apple OS's.

I can think of one potentially good reason for having a boolean option
to control whether the DB gets created if it didn't exist: to avoid
TOCTTOU races.  I suspect that noone using SQLite will put themselves in
a situation where they have such a race.  Nonetheless, it would be nice
if the API had such a boolean option.  (But can it be implemented

And then it'd be nice if the SQLite used the O_NOFOLLOW open(2) flag
where available, and maybe O_NOLINKS.  The latter wouldn't save SQLite
the trouble of dealing with POSIX advisory lock braindeadness, even if
universally available, I think (sigh).

Or perhaps a sqlite3_open_fd() that takes a file descriptor instead of a
filename, though that would expose the fact that the DB uses a single
file, and it would be less portable still.  (I.e., I don't advocate
this one.)


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