Michele Santucci wrote:
Following your hint I create a simple project (linked sqlite3.lib and included sqlite3.h) where I just do this:

Edit2->Text = AnsiString( sqlite3_libversion() );

I got this at compile time:

[C++ Error] sqlite3.h(1719): E2232 Constant member 'sqlite3_index_info::nConstraint' in class without constructors [C++ Error] sqlite3.h(1719): E2232 Constant member 'sqlite3_index_info::aConstraint' in class without constructors [C++ Error] sqlite3.h(1719): E2232 Constant member 'sqlite3_index_info::nOrderBy' in class without constructors [C++ Error] sqlite3.h(1719): E2232 Constant member 'sqlite3_index_info::aOrderBy' in class without constructors [C++ Error] sqlite3.h(1719): E2232 Constant member 'sqlite3_index_info::aConstraintUsage' in class without constructors

Pretty strange....


This is also a bug in the Borland/CodeGear C++ compiler (see http://qc.borland.com/wc/qcmain.aspx?d=32959 ). I am trying to get this report reopened, but in the meantime you will probably have to change the sqlite3.h file to add a conditional around the sqlite3_index_info definition, and remove the offending const qualifiers like this:

   #ifdef __BORLANDC__
   struct sqlite3_index_info {
     /* Inputs */
     int nConstraint;     /* Number of entries in aConstraint */
     const struct sqlite3_index_constraint {
int iColumn; /* Column on left-hand side of constraint */
        unsigned char op;         /* Constraint operator */
        unsigned char usable;     /* True if this constraint is usable */
int iTermOffset; /* Used internally - xBestIndex should ignore */
     } *aConstraint;      /* Table of WHERE clause constraints */
     int nOrderBy;        /* Number of terms in the ORDER BY clause */
     const struct sqlite3_index_orderby {
        int iColumn;              /* Column number */
        unsigned char desc;       /* True for DESC.  False for ASC. */
     } *aOrderBy;         /* The ORDER BY clause */

     /* Outputs */
     struct sqlite3_index_constraint_usage {
int argvIndex; /* if >0, constraint is part of argv to xFilter */ unsigned char omit; /* Do not code a test for this constraint */
     } *aConstraintUsage;
     int idxNum;                /* Number used to identify the index */
char *idxStr; /* String, possibly obtained from sqlite3_malloc */ int needToFreeIdxStr; /* Free idxStr using sqlite3_free() if true */
     int orderByConsumed;       /* True if output is already ordered */
     double estimatedCost;      /* Estimated cost of using this index */
   struct sqlite3_index_info {
     /* Inputs */
     const int nConstraint;     /* Number of entries in aConstraint */
     const struct sqlite3_index_constraint {
int iColumn; /* Column on left-hand side of constraint */
        unsigned char op;         /* Constraint operator */
        unsigned char usable;     /* True if this constraint is usable */
int iTermOffset; /* Used internally - xBestIndex should ignore */
     } *const aConstraint;      /* Table of WHERE clause constraints */
const int nOrderBy; /* Number of terms in the ORDER BY clause */
     const struct sqlite3_index_orderby {
        int iColumn;              /* Column number */
        unsigned char desc;       /* True for DESC.  False for ASC. */
     } *const aOrderBy;         /* The ORDER BY clause */

     /* Outputs */
     struct sqlite3_index_constraint_usage {
int argvIndex; /* if >0, constraint is part of argv to xFilter */ unsigned char omit; /* Do not code a test for this constraint */
     } *const aConstraintUsage;
     int idxNum;                /* Number used to identify the index */
char *idxStr; /* String, possibly obtained from sqlite3_malloc */ int needToFreeIdxStr; /* Free idxStr using sqlite3_free() if true */
     int orderByConsumed;       /* True if output is already ordered */
     double estimatedCost;      /* Estimated cost of using this index */

Be advised, that after I do this I get a similar unresolved external error for _sqlite3_libversion. I'm trying to see what might be causing this, but the generated sqlite3.lib file looks OK on first inspection. HTH
Dennis Cote

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