Here is fixed your bug.. :D.. I'd use the Option 2.

Option 1:

printf("\nhello [1]");

if (sqlite_open("myDB.db", &db))

printf("\n hello [2]");

Option 2:

printf("\nhello [1]");

if (sqlite_open("myDB.db", &db))
printf("\n hello [2]");

On 15/12/06, John Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How do you set the working directory?  Where is your Sqlite DB file?

You are just opening a file name, not a pathname so your working
directory is whatever your web server uses for CGI data.

Francesco Andrisani wrote:
> Hi comunity,
> i have the follow problem.
> I've insert into a C-CGI page a small sqlite3 code.
> When i call the page from a browser, it exec a query and show on browser
the entries, but it don't work.
> If i add a "printf" above the sqlite3_open() it print the message, but
if i put the instruction after the sqlite2_open() it don't swow the message.
> Under i put my piece of code:
> printf("\nhello [1]");
> if (sqlite_open("myDB.db", &db));
>     error_handle(db);
> printf("\n hello [2]");
> Regards.
> F.
> ________________________________________
> Francesco Andrisani
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> Gruppo Acotel
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> Via della Valle dei Fontanili, 29
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