Let the time zone given by user

Therefore its  330 minutes / 13200 seconds

select datetime( StartTime,'unixepoch','+13200.0 seconds') from mytable
--- gives you the local time

Select datetime( StartTime,'unixepoch')----gives u universal time

Where StartTime is an integer(unixtimestamp stored in the database) 

With Regards
Karthick V

"Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors.
Try to be better than yourself"
William Faulkner

-----Original Message-----
From: Lloyd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 10:30 AM
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: [sqlite] Time zone conversion

  I would like to implement a time zone independent function. So I get the
time zone information from user, and plans to convert the datetime to the
time zone specified. To make it clear I give an example

here StartTime is stored as an integer in the database

select datetime(StartTime,'unixepoch') from mytable;

will give the universal time.

To get the local time, what I do is- Let the time zone given by user

convert   +0530 to seconds, =13200 ((5*60+30)*60), then 

select datetime(StartTime+13200,'unixepoch') from mytable;

But it is not working as I expected. (no result is shown)

what could be the reason? Is there any better way for me to achieve the same

Thanks and Regards,

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