At 17:00 24/12/2006, you wrote:
On Sun, Dec 24, 2006 at 09:35:01AM -0600, John Stanton wrote:

> >There is even a starting grammar for you:
> >

> A compiler for a subset of PL/SQL would not be too arduous a project,

If what you want is something like PL/SQL, it might be both easier and
better to retarget PostgreSQL's PL/pgSQL for SQLite opcodes, rather
than starting from scratch with your own Oracle PL/SQL style language.
(And PL/pgSQL's BSD license is compatible with SQLite's.)

Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Don't know how much size has PL/SQL implementation in PostgreSQL, i think use it twice if SQLite (200-300KB) grows-up to 500KB or more by adding PostgreSQL code. I doubt that Postgre implementation is done with lemon, which is the lalr(1) parser used by SQLite, so some incompatibilities may/will occur, that means glue code or twice code (lemon+pgsql pl/sql parser) and make work harder and non-maintenable in future.

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