"Emerson Clarke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "With that and subsequent versions, it is safe to move a connection
> handle across threads as long as the connection is not holding any
> fcntl() locks. You can safely assume that no locks are being held if
> no transaction is pending and all statements have been finalized."
> The above statement regarding transactions was one of the things which
> led me to believe that it was not possible to have the single
> transaction, single connection and multiple thread arrangement.

The statement is true in general.  It works even on the older,
broken versions of Linux.  If you are running on a newer version
of Linux or on OS-X or windows, then you can move a database
connection from one thread to another anytime you want.  But
if you write code that does that, it will not be portable to
older versions of linux with the fcntl() bug.

D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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