"Emerson Clarke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem i had was with sqlite not being compatible with the simple
> design that i wanted.  I did try several alternate designs, but only
> as a way of working around the problem i had with sqlite.  It took a
> long time but eventually i managed to get someone to explain why
> sqlite had that particular problem, and i was able to modify the
> sqlite source to resolve the issue.

I remain unconvinced that there is any problem with SQLite in
regard to thread safety.  It is my belief that by disabling the
safety check routines, you are opening your self up to lots of
problems.  Those routines are there to protect you, the programmer,
and to make your programming errors obvious.  By disabling those
checks, you have not fixed the problem.  You have merely 
suppressed the symptoms so that you will get rare, random
failures that cannot be easily reproduced.  On your own head
be it.

D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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