>From the standpoint of data insertions you wouldn't reall need to deal with 
>datatype correctness since sqlite is typeless.

John Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Why would it be a benefit?  You would 
have to be doing type conversions 
all the time.

Ken wrote:
> I think the fact that sqlite is typeless actually is a benefit. 
> I see what you mean now about connecting to obtain the meta info. Maybe that 
> could be embedded in the code as well for the pre-processor. 
>  Thanks for your input.
> Joe Wilson  wrote: ...and I was trying to disagree with you.  ;-)
> PRO*C and all such pre-processing SQL code generators actually
> _do_ need to connect to a database in order to get the table meta-information
> (column types, etc). It is this database meta-information that allows the
> user of the pre-processor to write the succinct code you mentioned.
> Either you have to supply the column type info, or the tool has to 
> obtain it somehow. And considering that SQLite is typeless, you have your 
> work cut out for you.
> But don't let my contempt of SQL code generators disuade you.
> --- Ken  wrote:
>> yes thats what I'm thinking.. The thing is the amount of code that can be 
>> reduced via the
>>preprocessor is enormous. Plus the fact that one could also preprocess into 
>>the resulting C code
>>all sorts of wonderful error handling   in a very succinct language construct.
>> I hapen to perfer the conept of PRO*C, I don't like all of the weird errors 
>> that it generates
>>and the various modes of operation. I'm advocating something that is a build 
>>it like I tell you
>>to do, not how you interpret it. Leave out all of the goofy semantic checking 
>>etc.. Just let the
>>normal C compiler handle that bit.  There's no real need to connect to a 
>>sqlitedb just to verify
>>the table exists.
>> Ken
>>Joe Wilson  wrote: > Yes, a pre processor, but not a wrapper.  A wrapper as
>>I've seen from the sqlite.org site is
>>>simply a layer on top of the sqlite3 api. I've written my own wrapper.  I'm 
>>>really looking to
>>>see if instead of inserting an additional layer, the actual code could be 
>>>compiled inline into
>>>the sourcing C file, thus a pre processor. 
>>Okay, I see. All the bad memories are coming back now...
>>I used the PRO*C pre-processor ten years ago.
>>What a disaster that approach is. Never again.
>>The code is a mess and debugging is a nightmare.
>>You actually need a static database schema to run your code-generating
>>pre-processor against. You change your database schema and your code 
>>generator has some obscure syntax error. If your application crashes 
>>you have to wade through generated code to see WTF is going on. 
>>In the time it takes to chase down problems you could have written 
>>a superior application in a traditional language binding/wrapper.
>>Just my opinion of course.
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