Hi Jonathan,

Splitting and automatic updating of history via triggers isn't
very complicated.


CREATE TABLE StatsCurrent (
        Machine    VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
        Load       REAL,
        Scratch    CHAR(4),
        Mem        INTEGER,
        MemPctFree INTEGER,
        Procs      INTEGER,
        Users      INTEGER,
        Timestamp  VARCHAR(20) not null,
        Message    VARCHAR(160),
        PRIMARY KEY (Machine)

CREATE TABLE StatsHistory (
        Machine    VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
        Load       REAL,
        Scratch    CHAR(4),
        Mem        INTEGER,
        MemPctFree INTEGER,
        Procs      INTEGER,
        Users      INTEGER,
        Timestamp  VARCHAR(20) not null,
        Message    VARCHAR(160),
        PRIMARY KEY (Machine,Timestamp)
CREATE INDEX TS ON StatsHistory (Timestamp);

CREATE TRIGGER insert_stats 
        INSERT INTO StatsHistory
                (Machine, Load, Scratch, Mem, MemPctFree, Procs, Users,
Timestamp, Message)
                (new.Machine, new.Load, new.Scratch, new.Mem,
new.MemPctFree, new.Procs, new.Users, new.Timestamp,

CREATE VIEW show_stats AS
  FROM StatsCurrent
 ORDER BY Load, Mem*MemPctFree desc, Scratch desc;

INSERT OR REPLACE into StatsCurrent
        (Machine, Load, Scratch, Mem, MemPctFree, Procs, Users,
Timestamp, Message)
        ('m1', 0.11, 1010, 2000, 10, 45, 4, '2006-12-31 23:30:01',
'm1 sample 1');
INSERT OR REPLACE into StatsCurrent
        (Machine, Load, Scratch, Mem, MemPctFree, Procs, Users,
Timestamp, Message)
        ('m2', 0.12, 1020, 2000, 11, 45, 4, '2006-12-31 23:30:02',
'm2 sample 1');
INSERT OR REPLACE into StatsCurrent
        (Machine, Load, Scratch, Mem, MemPctFree, Procs, Users,
Timestamp, Message)
        ('m3', 0.13, 1030, 3000, 12, 45, 4, '2006-12-31 23:30:03',
'm3 sample 1');

INSERT OR REPLACE into StatsCurrent
        (Machine, Load, Scratch, Mem, MemPctFree, Procs, Users,
Timestamp, Message)
        ('m1', 0.16, 1030, 1000, 19, 45, 4, '2006-12-31 23:31:01',
'm1 sample 2');
INSERT OR REPLACE into StatsCurrent
        (Machine, Load, Scratch, Mem, MemPctFree, Procs, Users,
Timestamp, Message)
        ('m2', 0.15, 1020, 2000, 18, 45, 4, '2006-12-31 23:31:02',
'm2 sample 2');
INSERT OR REPLACE into StatsCurrent
        (Machine, Load, Scratch, Mem, MemPctFree, Procs, Users,
Timestamp, Message)
        ('m3', 0.14, 1010, 3000, 17, 45, 4, '2006-12-31 23:31:03',
'm3 sample 2');

SELECT * FROM show_stats;

m3 0.14 1010 3000 17 45 4 2006-12-31 23:31:03 m3 sample 2
m2 0.15 1020 2000 18 45 4 2006-12-31 23:31:02 m2 sample 2
m1 0.16 1030 1000 19 45 4 2006-12-31 23:31:01 m1 sample 2

(more or less tested, StatsHistory really gets all the rows)


On Sat, 13 Jan 2007 18:35:20 -0500, you wrote:

>First off, thanks for the help and sorry for the formatting of the 
>message.  I didn't know how it was going to turn out and I probably was 
>overly optimistic as well as too verbose.
>Secondly, as I feared, seems like it was an XY question, so sorry for that 
>as well.
>I'll address the two replies I can see so far, and some of the info in 
>each section will likely overlap.
>I guess that's the trick, to have the "current" or at least "recent" 
>database and then the historical one.  As of now, the process of polling 
>the 17 machines takes about 40 seconds or so (when I first started running 
>the process minutely, it was 20, so you can see I have to do something 
>soon :))
>So assuming the two-db model, what's the trick to it?  Here are some ideas 
>off the top of my head--can you (or any reader) please give me your 
>thoughts (be as brutal as you like--I'm under no illusion that I know what 
>I'm talking about):
>1)  The "current" table only ever has 17 rows. 
>        a)Have some kind of thing built in to the script that runs 
>minutely to copy the "current" data to the historical DB before kicking 
>off the part that updates the current data.
>        b)Add a trigger to the DB where the SQLite engine takes care of 
>the copy somehow--this would probably be more difficult since I don't know 
>how to add a trigger and I am thinking that the historical database will 
>be in a different file altogether.
>        c)Something I haven't thought of
>2)  The current table is only allowed to have a maximum on N rows.  Upon 
>reaching this size, data are moved to the historical database and only the 
>most recent observations for each machine are left in the current DB.  Not 
>sure how I could do that.  Is there a way to do this within SQLite?
>3)  A job runs every night or week (at a time when people are least likely 
>to be using the page such as 3 am) that transfers the data from the 
>current DB to the historical, leaving only the most recent observation for 
>each machine.
>The closer to real-time, the better.  The most often a cron job can run 
>under Linux is minutely, and minutely is pretty good.  I guess I could 
>have the summary process occur at the end of the script that polls the 
>machines.  It could generate static HTML, which would presumably make the 
>page load super fast.  However, under the current regime, the process of 
>creating that summary is going to take at least 10 seconds.  40 seconds 
>for polling + 10 seconds for summarizing=50 seconds, and that number is 
>only going to get bigger!  So I'll have to figure out a better table 
>structure anyway.
>Additional thoughts:
>In general, I think splitting the tables up is the way to go.  Any further 
>comments/suggestions appreciated!

  (  Kees Nuyt

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