In case it is of use to any VB or VBA coders, I think this is all the code
needed to work with this dll. Also added a bit of code to do timings.

Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub sqlite3_open Lib "SQLite3VB.dll" _
                                 (ByVal FileName As String, _
                                  ByRef handle As Long)
Private Declare Sub sqlite3_close Lib "SQLite3VB.dll" _
                                  (ByVal DB_Handle As Long)
Private Declare Function sqlite3_last_insert_rowid _
                          Lib "SQLite3VB.dll" _
                              (ByVal DB_Handle As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function sqlite3_changes _
                          Lib "SQLite3VB.dll" _
                              (ByVal DB_Handle As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function sqlite_get_table _
                          Lib "SQLite3VB.dll" _
                              (ByVal DB_Handle As Long, _
                               ByVal SQLString As String, _
                               ByRef ErrStr As String) As Variant()
'Now returns a BSTR
Private Declare Function sqlite_libversion _
                          Lib "SQLite3VB.dll" () As String
'// This function returns the number of rows from the last sql statement.
'// Use this to ensure you have a valid array
Private Declare Function number_of_rows_from_last_call _
                          Lib "SQLite3VB.dll" () As Long
'holding all the DB handles and paths
Public collSQLiteDB As Collection
Private Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long
Private lStartTime As Long

Sub StartSW()
   lStartTime = timeGetTime()
End Sub

Sub StopSW(Optional ByRef strMessage As Variant = "")
   MsgBox "Done in " & timeGetTime() - lStartTime & _
          " msecs", , strMessage
End Sub

Function OpenDBConnection(strDB As String, _
                          Optional bClose As Boolean) As Long

   Dim i As Long
   Dim lDBHandle As Long
   Dim strTempCurDrive As String
   Dim strTempCurDir As String
   Dim strErrors As String
   Dim bFile As Boolean
   Dim strLocalDrive As String
   Dim bNewDBCollection As Boolean
   Dim arr(1 To 2) As Variant

   On Error GoTo ERROROUT

   If collSQLiteDB Is Nothing Then
      Set collSQLiteDB = New Collection
      bNewDBCollection = True
   End If

   strTempCurDir = CurDir
   strTempCurDrive = Left$(strTempCurDir, 1)

   strLocalDrive = Left$(Application.Path, 1)

   'this is to point to SQLite3VB.dll
   ChDrive strLocalDrive
   ChDir strLocalDrive & ":\SQLite3VB_Test\"

   If InStr(1, strDB, ":memory:", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
      bFile = True
   End If

   'for in case there was a duplicate key in the DB collection
   On Error Resume Next

   If bClose Then
      For i = 1 To collSQLiteDB.Count
         If collSQLiteDB(i)(2) = strDB Then
            sqlite3_close collSQLiteDB(i)(1)
            collSQLiteDB.Remove i
            Exit For
         End If
      If collSQLiteDB.Count = 0 Then
         sqlite3_open strDB, lDBHandle
         arr(1) = lDBHandle
         arr(2) = strDB
         'so a db path can only be in the collection once
         collSQLiteDB.Add arr, strDB
         OpenDBConnection = lDBHandle
         'see if there is a valid connection already for this DB
         For i = 1 To collSQLiteDB.Count
            If collSQLiteDB(i)(2) = strDB Then
               If collSQLiteDB(i)(1) > 0 Then
                  OpenDBConnection = collSQLiteDB(i)(1)
                  ChDrive strTempCurDrive
                  ChDir strTempCurDir
                  Exit Function
               End If
               sqlite3_close collSQLiteDB(i)(1)
               collSQLiteDB.Remove i
            End If
         sqlite3_open strDB, lDBHandle
         arr(1) = lDBHandle
         arr(2) = strDB
         'so a db path can only be in the collection once
         collSQLiteDB.Add arr, strDB
         OpenDBConnection = lDBHandle
      End If
      'these speed up inserts enormously, particulary the first one
      sqlite_get_table lDBHandle, "PRAGMA synchronous=off;", strErrors
      sqlite_get_table lDBHandle, "PRAGMA encoding='UTF-8';", strErrors
     'not sure default_cache_size applies to a memory database, probably not
      If bFile Then
         sqlite_get_table lDBHandle, _
                          "PRAGMA default_cache_size = 32768;", strErrors
      End If
      sqlite_get_table lDBHandle, "PRAGMA vdbe_trace = OFF;", strErrors
      sqlite_get_table lDBHandle, "PRAGMA page_size=4096;", strErrors
   End If

   'to return to the CurDir at the start of the procedure
   ChDrive strTempCurDrive
   ChDir strTempCurDir

   Exit Function

   ChDrive strTempCurDrive
   ChDir strTempCurDir

   MsgBox Err.Description, , "error number: " & Err.Number

End Function

Function AlterDB(strCommand As String, _
                 Optional lDBHandle, _
                 Optional strDB As String) As Variant

   Dim strErrors As String
   Dim lChanges As Long
   Dim lLastInsertRowID As Long
   Dim arr(1 To 3) As Variant

   On Error GoTo ERROROUT

   If lDBHandle = 0 Then
      lDBHandle = OpenDBConnection(strDB)
   End If

   sqlite_get_table lDBHandle, strCommand, strErrors

   lChanges = sqlite3_changes(lDBHandle)
   lLastInsertRowID = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(lDBHandle)

   arr(1) = lChanges
   arr(2) = lLastInsertRowID
   arr(3) = strErrors

   AlterDB = arr

   Exit Function

   arr(1) = lChanges
   arr(2) = lLastInsertRowID
   arr(3) = strErrors

   AlterDB = arr

End Function

Function GetFromDB(strSQL As String, _
                   Optional lReturnedRows As Long, _
                   Optional strError As String, _
                   Optional lDBHandle As Long, _
                   Optional strDB As String) As Variant

   Dim arr

   On Error GoTo ERROROUT

   If lDBHandle = 0 Then
      lDBHandle = OpenDBConnection(strDB)
   End If

   arr = sqlite_get_table(lDBHandle, strSQL, strError)

   lReturnedRows = number_of_rows_from_last_call()

   If lReturnedRows = 0 Then
      GetFromDB = strError
      GetFromDB = arr
   End If

   Exit Function

   GetFromDB = strError

End Function

Sub Test()

   Dim i As Long
   Dim r As Long
   Dim c As Long
   Dim strDB As String
   Dim strSQL As String
   Dim strError As String
   Dim arr
   Dim strResult As String
   Dim lRows As Long
   Dim lDBHandle As Long

   strDB = "C:\test.db3"
   'strDB = ":memory:"

   lDBHandle = OpenDBConnection(strDB)

   On Error Resume Next
   AlterDB strSQL, lDBHandle

   strSQL = "CREATE TABLE 'TEST' ([col1] INTEGER, [col2] TEXT)"
   AlterDB strSQL, lDBHandle


   AlterDB strSQL, lDBHandle

   For i = 1 To 6
      strSQL = "INSERT INTO TEST (col1, col2) " & _
               "VALUES(" & i & ", 'test value" & i & "')"
      AlterDB strSQL, lDBHandle

   strSQL = "CREATE INDEX IDX_TEST_col1 ON TEST(col1)"
   AlterDB strSQL, lDBHandle

   AlterDB strSQL, lDBHandle

   StopSW "time for inserting"


   strSQL = "SELECT * FROM TEST WHERE col1 > -1"
   arr = GetFromDB(strSQL, lRows, strError, lDBHandle)

   StopSW "time for retrieving"

   If lRows = 0 Then
      If Len(strError) > 0 Then
         MsgBox strError, , "no rows returned"
         MsgBox "no rows returned", , ""
      End If
      OpenDBConnection strDB, True
      Exit Sub
   End If

   'close the DB connection, don't have to do this
   OpenDBConnection strDB, True

   For r = 0 To UBound(arr)
      For c = 0 To UBound(arr, 2)
         If r = 0 And c = 0 Then
            strResult = arr(r, c)
            If r = 1 And c = 0 Then
               strResult = strResult & vbCrLf & _
            End If
            If c = LBound(arr, 2) Then
               strResult = strResult & vbCrLf & arr(r, c)
               strResult = strResult & vbTab & arr(r, c)
            End If
         End If

   MsgBox strResult, , strDB

End Sub

Sub ShowDBCollection()

   Dim i As Long
   Dim strResult As String

   If collSQLiteDB Is Nothing Then
      Exit Sub
   End If

   If collSQLiteDB.Count = 0 Then
      Exit Sub
   End If

   For i = 1 To collSQLiteDB.Count
      If i = 1 Then
         strResult = collSQLiteDB(i)(1) & vbTab & collSQLiteDB(i)(2)
         strResult = strResult & vbCrLf & _
                     collSQLiteDB(i)(1) & vbTab & collSQLiteDB(i)(2)
      End If

   MsgBox strResult, , "connected DB's"

End Sub


-----Original Message-----
From: RB Smissaert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 24 January 2007 21:41
Subject: RE: [sqlite] SQLite3VB.dll

Thanks, that makes it clear.

> SQLite implements the command "DELETE FROM table" without a WHERE clause
> by dropping and recreating the table.

Interesting, didn't know that.
Maybe I should re-create when the majority or a lot of rows are deleted.


-----Original Message-----
From: Trey Mack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 24 January 2007 21:20
Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQLite3VB.dll

> I have just one question.
> What exactly does this function do:
> Private Declare Function sqlite3_changes _
> Lib "SQLite3VB.dll" (ByVal DB_Handle As Long) As Long
> It looks it will always give one, unless you have just created a database
> and done nil with it. Is this how it is?

It returns the number of rows affected by a delete, update, or insert (not 
updated by selects). It's not the number _changed_, but the number of rows 
addressed by the WHERE clause, whether an update actually changes a value or

not. One special case is when you DELETE FROM table with no where clause.. 
explained below.

>From sqlite3.h:

** This function returns the number of database rows that were changed

** (or inserted or deleted) by the most recent called sqlite3_exec().


** All changes are counted, even if they were later undone by a

** ROLLBACK or ABORT. Except, changes associated with creating and

** dropping tables are not counted.


** If a callback invokes sqlite3_exec() recursively, then the changes

** in the inner, recursive call are counted together with the changes

** in the outer call.


** SQLite implements the command "DELETE FROM table" without a WHERE clause

** by dropping and recreating the table. (This is much faster than going

** through and deleting individual elements form the table.) Because of

** this optimization, the change count for "DELETE FROM table" will be

** zero regardless of the number of elements that were originally in the

** table. To get an accurate count of the number of rows deleted, use

** "DELETE FROM table WHERE 1" instead.


- Trey 

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