On Saturday, January 27, 2007, 6:09:59 PM, Trey Mack<sqlite-users@sqlite.org> 
>> Actually, my query is something like
>> SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE `pid` = (SELECT `id` FROM ...);
>> if i put that group by... will it group all rows, or only those with
>> the same pid?

> Use a subquery

> SELECT price, sum(count) FROM (
>     -- your original query here
>     SELECT price, count FROM ... WHERE `pid` = (SELECT `id` FROM ...)
> ) GROUP BY price;

> And you treat your subquery as just any other table. That way it's clear
> where your GROUPing is applied.

> Side note: I'd be careful about naming columns names like 'count'. That's a
> function in SQL, and some will simply not allow you to use it as a column
> name. Some will allow you to use it as a column name with some special
> handling (like "[count]"). SQLite appears to allow a column named "count",
> but did not for some others ("limit" comes to mind). "Precision" is another
> example in SQLServer.. It's easy to get around, just prepend some 
> description to the word, like "UnitPrice, ItemCount"...

> Regards,
>     Trey

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Well thanks for the advice :) I'll keep that in mind, although that
`count` was only for the example, the table schema actually contains
`download_count` but I wrote that example on hand and taking in account my 

Best Regards,
Ivailo Karamanolev

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