
I've got an application that creates a database with a large number of records 
(millions), and the indexation of the tables is taking a long time.  Once the 
database is initially created, it is never modified.  No records are added or 
deleted.  So, in the case where a user has sufficient memory, I want to offer 
the option to create the entire database in memory, including the indexes, and 
then serialize that to disk.  I am not sure if this is really going to work or 
if it will be more effcient.  I am using the "ATTACH DATABASE" command to 
create a copy of my ":memory:" database.  I can copy copy the tables (see 
below), and I can get a list of the indxes (see further below), but I don't 
know how to copy the indexes.  Also, does anyone know if this method is really 
going to be faster (memory db -> disk db) than doing everything with a disk db? 
 Would the indexes really be copied or just re-created?

//get the list of tables
sql_cmd = "SELECT name FROM SQLITE_MASTER WHERE type = 'table'";
rc = sqlite3_prepare( m_db, sql_cmd.c_str(),(int)sql_cmd.length(), &stmt, &tail 

std::vector<string> tables;
rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);
while ( rc != SQLITE_DONE && rc != SQLITE_ERROR )
  tables.push_back((const char*) sqlite3_column_text ( stmt,0 ));
  rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);

//get the list of indexes
sql_cmd = "SELECT name, tbl_name FROM SQLITE_MASTER WHERE type = 'index'";
rc = sqlite3_prepare( m_db, sql_cmd.c_str(),(int)sql_cmd.length(), &stmt, &tail 

std::vector<std::pair<string, string>> indexes;
rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);
while ( rc != SQLITE_DONE && rc != SQLITE_ERROR )
  indexes.push_back(std::pair<string, string>((const char*) sqlite3_column_text 
( stmt,0 ), (const char*)     sqlite3_column_text ( stmt,1 )));
  rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);

rc = sqlite3_exec(m_db,"begin;", callback, 0, &zErrMsg);

//copy the tables
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = tables.begin(); it != tables.end(); 
  string sTable = *it;
  sql_cmd = "CREATE TABLE dbdisk." + sTable + " AS SELECT * FROM " + sTable + 
  rc = sqlite3_exec(m_db,sql_cmd.c_str(), callback, 0, &zErrMsg);

//copy the indexes
for (vector<std::pair<string, string>>::const_iterator it = indexes.begin(); it 
!= indexes.end(); it++)
  string sIndex = (*it).first;
  string sTable = (*it).second;
  //to be filled in

rc = sqlite3_exec(m_db,"commit;", callback, 0, &zErrMsg);

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