There is no entry when I execute the below, yet the update acts as if all is OK yet nothing is updated (works same if beginTransaction and commit is uncommented).

What is interesting is that the reverse (eg INSERT attempted first works OK.

My concern (other than I what to know why it doesn't work) is that the "normal" case would be UPDATE and thus using the reverse sems like it will be slower.



        try {
$sql = "UPDATE av_summary SET tot = tot + 1 WHERE name='$av_system';";
                $result = $db_conn->exec($sql);
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO av_summary (name, tot, sig, huristic, paranoid) VALUES ('$av_system', 1, 0, 0, 0);";
                $result = $db_conn->exec($sql);
$sql = "CREATE TABLE $av_system (virus VARCHAR UNIQUE, cnt INTEGER);";
                $result = $db_conn->query($sql);

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